
Semantic Markup

Semantic Markup in HTML is important in both developing a quality site and providing one. With a good semantic markup, you will run into less errors and have an overall better structured webpage. When launching the website semantic markup is just as important, if not more because if you webpage has multiple errors in accessibility, mobility, then SEO will be much harder for your webpage.

Section 508-Accessibility

Accessibility on webpages is a standard for quality webpages today because it states that users browsing to your page might not havethe same computer settings or body functions. Section 508 tells web developers to provide more accessible ways to view their pages, it also advices them on properties they should and should not use.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization allows web developers to put their website out on a search engine. Developers can use ‘keywords’ in meta tags and the ‘alt’ in images to help users find their page. One way is ‘Googlebots’ will index your page and will ‘crawl’ your webpage if quality content is found. Googlebot will continue until the web developer opts out or the website is found to lacking quality information. With the help of indexing and crawling your page will be easier to find!

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