Generally, semantics refers to correct interpretation of the meaning of words. In web pages semantics are used to reference markups that cement meanings of information contained in web applications and webpages. In essence, web semantics involves using metadata to describe web contents. An example would include the use of paragraph tag < p > which indicates that the next exit will be a paragraph. Web semantics in two folds; one, the web browser knows what is to be displayed and the reader can acknowledge that the tags represent a paragraph (Baker, 2007). Ultimately, semantic markup has one goal and that is to clearly send information through communication means. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process that seeks to set out website visibility on results displayed by search engines. Search engine optimization works by figuring what content web visitors search on the internet and record the same in a database (Nguyen, 2016). It applies complex processes to display and rank webpages in relation to keywords. Web accessibility is about enhancing ease in website access to multiple users irrespective of the technology they are using. Accessibility is ordinarily used in relation to blind users however it embodies other impairments such as color blindness, vision impairment, the elderly, and users on mobile devices, users on old browsers as well as those on slow internet connection (Baker, 2007).
Generally, there is some overlap between semantic markup, accessibility and search engine optimization. Moreover, the latter are also related and all work together towards creation of web contents. A website that has well-structured semantic markup will allow Search engine optimization to find accessible sites and rank them highest within search engine results. If sites are structured semantically then they are easily readable by various users. Users including those with disabilities can utilize sophisticated software’s to engage and interact with the websites that are accessible (Search Engine Land, 2017).