Semantic Markup, Accessibility, SEO
Semantic Markup
Semantic markup is the language that connects the user and the program. This communicates how the context of the user should be presented on the web. Semantic elements, or HTML tags, are simple to use and are constantly updating. Semantic markups are the details behind a webpage; one tag may seem irrelevant but it can change the whole webpage making them very important in the programming world. Markups help differientiate between title, header, main, navigation, footer, as well as classes and IDs. Using semantic tags and naming information determines the position of the content. The other side of the same coin are Cascading Style Sheets. Style sheets are written in semantic markup to describe the presention of the content. Presentation includes location, font, color, alignment, and many other elements that make a webpage user friendly.
Section 508- Accessibility Law was passed on August 7, 1998. The law states that electronic and information technology must be accessible by people with disabilities. There are many 508 Compliant scans on the internet for one to check if their web page is accessible. Web accessibility is based on standards set by the government. Some examples of these standards are web content, user agents, and authoring tools. Web content should include (but not limited to) text, images, videos, markup code, and applications. User agents requires the web page to be accessible on any browser as well as any device. Authoring tools requires a standard procedure used to create pages and sites. Content should appear and operate in a predictable manner.
Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization refers to the visibility of the web page on search engines. Google says a SEO is “the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of the results returned by a search engine”. A user rarely goes to the second page of a google search, so it is very important for a webpage to be search engine-friendly. SEOs help search engines find new websites by traffic targetting, or using keywords and phrases. SEOs also have standards that used to make sites search engine friendly. To get a high ranking, it is very important to make sure the content of a page is accurate, up to date, useful to users. It is also very important for the website to be userfriendly as well as simple to use, link, and share it with other users.
How They Are Related
Semantic markup, accessbility, and SEOs are all interconnected. Semantic markup is the language used to create a web page. Once the site is created, it has to be user friendly and accessible to public. If people can’t use or understand the content of the site, the main purpose is lost. SEOs help make the web page visible to public by making it visible on search engines. Once the webpage is up and running, it is very important for the webpage to get and increase traffic.