
			Abstract 3 - Structure in Programming

When it comes to the topic of structure in programming, there are two types of

people; One type uses structure in their programs to make the program more logical and

break the code down into smaller modules for reusability purposes. This group says

that adding a way of checking data types is important in eliminating simple data type-

mismatch errors. This group of programmers also have many functions memorized to

convert data types such as integer to real, and character or string to an integer. This

group uses pseudocode and UML diagrams to logically plan out their program before

they even start coding.

The second type of programmer is the old-schooled unstructured programmer who

hate to comform to the rules of structure. This groups thinks the endless data type

conversions in structured code are not easily readable and are confusing at a first glance.

Another argument from this side is that each program should be specifically tailored to

the system it runs on which lets the program run at optimal speeds. They say that

structure is used in a program that is meant to be run on many different systems which

might result in slower performance.

There is still another group of people that are partial to neither side and this group

agrees with the arguments from both sides. They agree that a logical approach containing

parameter checking is needed to keep careless errors from occuring, but they also agree

that no programmer can foresee all of the possibilities a program must handle. In the end,

choosing a launguage isn't a task to be taken lightly. Realizing a programs strengths and

weaknesses is essential in programming a system for long term use.

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