Cell Phones

Cell Phones


This website is about the evolution and history of cell phones and cell phone carriers.
Cellular technology has developed a long way since the first mobile phone systems were
introduced.Currently a large variety of phone systems are in use, and continues to
exponentially grow.Mobile phones have changed the way we live our lives and to many, the
possibility of a world without voice calling, texting, and the internet access is a troubling thought.

The three main topics I focus on in this website is the history of cell phones, the technology
behind cell phones,and the comparison of carriers within the cellular technology business.
This information will allow people to understand the rapid advancement and success of the celluar devices.Alongside
with a brief section about Semantics markups.

Copyright © 2018 Samikchhya Tamrakar

This website was created from W3schools’ Responsive Web Design
tutorial by G Saunders

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