Hands-on Linux Project
The progress report below is updated every minute, was last updated 2016-11-30 08:23:01: Get the due dates from your class’ web page. This is an exercise for working at the command line on a Linux Part 1 — Posting your TopicFor Part 1 of the HOL project make a directory named Outlines in your home directory and Set the permissions on the Outlines directory to 700 and the file Brief1 to 600. Part 2 — Posting Your Outline and ReferencesPart 2 of the project is to find references for your brief, Brief1 should be a plain-text file, should not have any html, will only be read When you’ve completed the research, edit the file Brief1 and add Part 3 — Making the 3-page website:Please find and comply with all the specs posted on the class’ page for the HOL/Tech Brief project. Here’s how to make the red asterisks go away.
Grading:Get any questions answered in class. |
Student | Directories & Permissions |
Term Paper Topic & Outline |
Files in web |
I Ahmad | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 * UniCode Chars in Brief1: 12 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 19 Sessions |
Topic: Topic: Blogging software or other Content Management Systems 3rd line: Introduction – Personal story on how I use CMS systems every day for my internship. Draws reader’s attention. Rest of introduction goes into how CMS’ started and what they were first used for (History). First Line of Reference section: Hillis, D. (2015, August 12). NoSQL: The Future of Web Content Management? Retrieved November 29, 2016, from http://www.cmswire.com/web-cms/nosql-the-future-of-web-content-management/ |
index.html Brief1.html |
Z Albraheem | Server-side editors: None *No Outlines directory *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 3 Sessions |
*No Outlines directory |
* No Brief1.html |
O Alhumaid | Server-side editors: None *No Outlines directory *Has no web directory |
*No Outlines directory |
* No Brief1.html |
S Ali | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 10 Sessions |
Topic: SSD 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html |
L Alkhalaf | Server-side editors: None *No Outlines directory *Has no web directory |
*No Outlines directory |
* No Brief1.html |
M Anwari | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 7 Sessions |
Topic: Social Media * 3rd line is empty First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html |
J Browett | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 11 Sessions |
Topic: Topic: Mid Range Computers 3rd line: I. Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html |
J Bulcha | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 11 Sessions |
Topic: Search Engines: Google vs the rest 3rd line: Search Engines Introduction First Line of Reference section: References |
index.html main.css Brief1.html |
R Cannon | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 3 Sessions |
* No Brief1 in Outlines |
* No Brief1.html index.html |
G Cayetano | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 14 Sessions |
Topic: SSD-Solid State Disk replacing Hard Disks for personal computers and/or servers 3rd line: Introduction: First Line of Reference section: References: |
index.html Brief1.html |
T Chau | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 9 Sessions |
Topic: Video Surveillance System 3rd line: Introduction: Video Surveillance systems has changed in many different ways. First Line of Reference section: Rice, D. (2016, February 2). State of the Market: Video Surveillance. Retrieved November 29, 2016, from http://www.sdmmag.com/articles/92006-state-of-the-market-video-surveillance |
index.html Brief1.html |
M Damtie | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 11 Sessions |
Topic: GPS 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: Reference |
* No Brief1.html index.html (Permissions: 664) |
W Day | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 11 Sessions |
Topic: Virtual voice assistants: Siri, Echo, Cortana, etc. 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: |
* No Brief1.html index.html |
Y Ezeagu | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 15 Sessions |
Topic: Personal/Notebook Computers-Impact of Tablets. 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
index.html Brief1.html |
A Feury | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 5 Sessions |
Topic: Operating Systems in Today’s Technology 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References |
* No Brief1.html |
G Funes | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 14 Sessions |
Topic: Cellular Technologies 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html index.html |
T Gutosky | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 19 Sessions |
Topic: SD WAN 3rd line: SD WAN: Development, Comparison and Future First Line of Reference section: References |
* No Brief1.html index.html |
J Hassan | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 11 Sessions |
Topic: Mobile Operating Systems 3rd line: General Outline First Line of Reference section: Current Mobile Operating System Technology |
* No Brief1.html index.html |
S Jarvis | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 13 Sessions |
Topic: GPS Applications 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html |
A Lai | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 4 Sessions |
Topic: Server/Workstation class computers: Who uses them, how? 3rd line: Introduction * References: Found EOF before first line of references |
* No Brief1.html |
J Lambert | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 2 Sessions |
Topic: Zarf Technologies 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html index.html PacioliStamp.png Resp.css (Permissions: 664) |
J Lassiter | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 775 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 2 Sessions |
Topic: Zarf Technologies * No 3rd line * References: Found EOF before first line of references |
* No Brief1.html index.html (Permissions: 664) |
B Le | Server-side editors: None *No Outlines directory *Has no web directory |
*No Outlines directory |
* No Brief1.html |
A Mahmoudi | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 1 Sessions |
Topic: Social media 3rd line: Outline: First Line of Reference section: Refrences: |
* No Brief1.html |
A Martin | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 3 Sessions |
Topic: Is Linux ready for the mainsteam market? 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References |
Brief1.html |
K Marwah | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 * UniCode Chars in Brief1: 3 Logged: 14 SFTP 0 Flagged 25 Sessions |
Topic: Programming Languages 3rd line: Introduction:History, Present and Future of C#, Java and Swift First Line of Reference section: References:”History of C# Language – JAMSHID HASHIMI.” JAMSHID HASHIMI. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2016. |
home.js (Windows Delim: 37) index.html home.css (Windows Delim: 317) home.html (Windows Delim: 344) Brief1.html bg.jpg (empty) graph.js (Windows Delim: 18) |
P Marx | Server-side editors: None *No Outlines directory *Has no web directory |
*No Outlines directory |
* No Brief1.html |
D Misquith | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 * UniCode Chars in Brief1: 9 Logged: 0 SFTP * 1 Flagged 27 Sessions |
Topic: Scalability to Sustainability 3rd line: Outline First Line of Reference section: References: “The Weak Scaling of DL_POLY 3”. STFC Computational Science and Engineering Department. March 7, 2014.” http://www.stfc.ac.uk/cse/25052.aspx |
index.html Brief1.html |
Q Moss | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 15 Sessions |
Topic: Smartphones 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html |
B Pho | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 * UniCode Chars in Brief1: 3 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 12 Sessions |
Topic: Tablets and Pads 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html index.html |
A Richards | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 14 Sessions |
Topic: Social Media 3rd line: I. Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html |
N Sheth | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 * UniCode Chars in Brief1: 3 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 10 Sessions |
Topic: Anti-virus Software 3rd line: what is Anti-Virus? First Line of Reference section: Hoffman, C., & Gordon, W. (2016, October 06). What’s the Best Antivirus for Windows 10? (Is Windows Defender Good Enough?). Retrieved November, 2016, from http://www.howtogeek.com/225385/what’s-the-best-antivirus-for-windows-10-is-windows-defender-good-enough/ |
* No Brief1.html index.html (Permissions: 664) |
D Tara | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 4 Sessions |
Topic: Topic: Tablets/iPads 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: http://www.businessinsider.com/history-of-the-tablet-2013-5?op=1/#rst-came-the-linus-write-top-in-1987-1 |
* No Brief1.html index.html brief1.html |
N Torres | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 * UniCode Chars in Brief1: 12 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 8 Sessions |
Topic: Tablets/Pads 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: Market Share and Main Competitors |
index.html Brief1.html |