Hands-on Linux Project

Hands-on Linux Project

The progress report below is updated every minute, was last updated 2017-11-18 20:03:01:

Get the due dates from your class’ web page.
A good looking progress report will have no red marks for components on their due date.

This is an exercise for working at the command line on a Linux
server and using the vi editor.
Please do not edit these files on a Windows or Mac desktop and copy them to
the server.

Part 1 — Learn vi and Post your Topic

Before making Outlines and web directories, find a vim tutorial you like and get comfortable
using it.

Then, use vi to edit files in your home directory named File1, File2, and File3, each with at least
three well-formatted paragraphs from a text, novel, article or your own poetry, prose, or blog.
Make each line of text a max of 75 characters wide.
Set the permissions for each of these files to 600, readable by only yourself
and root.

Make a directory named Outlines in your home directory and
edit the topic for your brief on the 1st line of a file named Brief1 in the Outlines directory.
Nothing else is required in the file for Part 1 but line 2 should be left empty if there is.
The file should be ‘plain text’, with no HTML.

Set the permissions on the Outlines directory to 700 and the file Brief1 to 600.
Check the progress page to make sure Outlines and Brief1 are in the right place with the right permissions.
The progress page is updated one second past every minute. Enter ‘date’ at the command line
to check the time.

Part 2 — Posting Your Outline and References

Part 2 of the project is to find references for your brief,
organize them, make an outline for the brief, and use vi to key the outline and references into the file Brief1.

Brief1 should be a plain-text file, should not have any html, will only be read
by you and the instructor. It should be organized by indenting to show the ‘levels of the outline’.

When you’ve completed the research, edit the file Brief1 and add
a nicely indented outline for your tech market brief, starting in line 3, leaving the 2nd line empty.
Single-space between each entry in the outline, leaving no ‘blank line’ between the lines of your outline.
Use spaces to make indentations to structure the outline.
After the single-spaced outline, double-space to leave an empty line and list your references.
If you have done this properly, your feedback below will show your topic,
the first entry in your outline, and the first reference in your list.

Part 3 — Making the 3-page website:

Please find and comply with all the specs posted on the class’ page and mentioned in class for the HOL/Tech Brief project.
Make a valid skeleton of your website first, then pitch your brief in standards-compliant html and css.

Please complete these little tasks at the linux command line without desktop editors!
Steps, without FileZilla or WinSCP, at the command line:

  • Make a directory named ‘web’, all lower case, with no apostrophe in your directory name!
    in your home directory if you haven’t already done it.
    Set it’s permissions to 701 so you have full access to it and httpd can include it in a path.
  • Use vi to create and edit index.html in your web directory. Verify that it shows up
    as index.html in your progress report below.
  • Use vi to edit a file named Brief1.html in your web directory.
    Your Brief1.html will hold the web version of your technical market brief.
  • Set the permissions of any web pages, css, graphics,
    or other files in the web directory to 604. If there are subdirectories, set them to 705.


Get any questions answered in class.
Snapshots of this page, the contents of your home directory, and your history at the command line will
taken after the deadline and used to score the timeliness and quality of each component at the time it is due.

Progress Report:

Student Home Directory Tech Brief
Topic & Outline
Web Directory
E Ampofo: Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
* UniCode Chars in Brief1: 9
Sessions: 23 SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 info300.net File3
Topic: ERP: SAP, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, &c

3rd line: Intro: What is it?

First Line of Reference section:
M Ampomah: Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
*Has no web directory
Sessions: 13 SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 Brief1 File3 Brief1.html
Topic: Cloud Computing

* 3rd line is empty

First Line of Reference section:
* No Brief1.html
M Babbar: Server-side editors: vi
Only One File9 file Permission Errors: 1
*Has no web directory
Sessions: 1 SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1
*No Outlines directory

* No Brief1.html
C Cruz: Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 7 SFTP: 1 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3
Topic: Cloud Computing

3rd line: What is Cloud Computing

First Line of Reference section:
D Gutierrez: Server-side editors: None
No File9 files
*Has no web directory
*No Outlines directory

* No Brief1.html
S Hossain: Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 32 SFTP: 17 Flagged: * 7
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3
Topic: Hottest 3 Programming Languages in the Market in 2017

3rd line: 1. Introduction

First Line of Reference section:
References: MLA8 Format
J Lambert: Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 14 SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3
Topic: Topic: Embedded computers for Automotive Applications

3rd line: I. Introduction to Automotive Computers (Carputers)

First Line of Reference section:
1. Wojdyla, Ben. How it Works: The Computer Inside Your Car. Feb 12, 2012.
A Luck: Server-side editors: None
No File9 files
*Has no web directory
*No Outlines directory

* No Brief1.html
S Moseley: Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 13 SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 info300.net File3
Topic: Business & Enterprise-class firewall/security solutions

3rd line: 1. What is Security to a business

First Line of Reference section:
C Nguyen: Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
*Has no web directory
Sessions: 13 SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 Brief1 File3 Brief1.html
Topic: SSD-Solid State Disk replacing Hard Disks for personal computers and/or servers

* 3rd line is empty

* References: Found EOF before first line of references
* No Brief1.html
M Stormo: Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 25 SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 info300.net File3
Topic: Software as a service providers, issues with security especially PCI compliance.

3rd line: I. Overview

First Line of Reference section:
B Thapa: Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 25 SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3
Topic: Small-medium Business class DBMS: MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLServer

3rd line: What is DBMS?

First Line of Reference section:
M Walsh: Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 28 SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File File1 File2 Outline file File3 file1
Topic: ERP Systems

3rd line: I.Introduction to ERP

First Line of Reference section:
Resp (Permissions: 705)
Resp.css (Permissions: 705)
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