Hands-on Linux Project
The progress report below is updated every minute, was last updated 2016-11-30 08:23:01: Get the due dates from your class’ web page. This is an exercise for working at the command line on a Linux Part 1 — Posting your TopicFor Part 1 of the HOL project make a directory named Outlines in your home directory and Set the permissions on the Outlines directory to 700 and the file Brief1 to 600. Part 2 — Posting Your Outline and ReferencesPart 2 of the project is to find references for your brief, Brief1 should be a plain-text file, should not have any html, will only be read When you’ve completed the research, edit the file Brief1 and add Part 3 — Making the 3-page website:Please find and comply with all the specs posted on the class’ page for the HOL/Tech Brief project. Here’s how to make the red asterisks go away.
Grading:Get any questions answered in class. |
Student | Directories & Permissions |
Term Paper Topic & Outline |
Files in web |
C Abuyan | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 24 Sessions |
Topic: Social Media and Market Share 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
index.html Brief1.html |
E Albrecht | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 12 Sessions |
Topic: Google and Other Search Engines 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
index.html searchEngine.jpg Resp.css Brief1.html |
M Almowais | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 775 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 4 Sessions |
Topic: Search Engines, Google vs a few of all the others * No 3rd line * References: Found EOF before first line of references |
* No Brief1.html |
M Asmorom | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 11 Sessions |
Topic: Blogging Software and other Content Management Systems 3rd line: I. Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
index.html Brief1.html |
A Berhane | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 775 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 6 Sessions |
* No Brief1 in Outlines |
* No Brief1.html |
J Bondurant | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 18 Sessions |
Topic: Topic: Cloud Computing 3rd line: Introduction: First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html |
B Bosher | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 6 Sessions |
Topic: Programming Languages 3rd line: I. What is a programming language First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html |
B Bridges | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 9 Sessions |
Topic: SSD replacing HDD in Personal Computers 3rd line: I. Introduction First Line of Reference section: References |
* No Brief1.html |
C Curtis | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 1 Sessions |
Topic: Internet Service Providers * 3rd line is empty * References: Found EOF before first line of references |
* No Brief1.html |
L Dajeu | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 23 Sessions |
Topic: RISC vs CISC. 3rd line: introduction: RISC vs CISC and the role they play in the market First Line of Reference section: References: |
index.html 31-300×183.jpg 21-300×282.jpg RISC-Vs-CISC.jpg style.css Brief1.html |
B Dillon | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 7 Sessions |
Topic: Tablets/iPads 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: Reith, Ryan. “Worldwide Tablet Shipments Decline More than 12% in Second Quarter as the Market Shifts Its Focus toward Productivity, According to IDC.” Www.idc.com, 1 Aug. 2016. Accessed 29 Nov. 2016. |
index.html Brief1.html |
P Greene | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 4 Sessions |
Topic: Enterprise Security Solutions (SIEM) 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: Swift, D. (2006, December 23). A Practical Application of SIM/SEM/SIEM Automating Threat Identification. SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room. Retrieved from https://www.sans.org/reading-room/whitepapers/logging/practical-application-sim-sem-siem-automating-threat-identification-1781. |
index.html semantic.html style.css Brief1.html |
A Hassas | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 * UniCode Chars in Brief1: 12 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 10 Sessions |
Topic: Social Media, how they make money, markets and shares 3rd line: Introduction: Millions of users have social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. They are all free and people often wonder how these companies make money. “If you’re not paying for the product, the product is you.” The media is using advertising on these sites and your eyes are looking at them. First Line of Reference section: References |
* No Brief1.html index.html PacioliStamp.png Resp.css |
B Horning | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 14 Sessions |
Topic: Graphics Processing Units: Desktop & Laptop 3rd line: Overview of GPUs First Line of Reference section: PC Hardware. (2016). Graphic card types explained the different graphic card connector types. Retrieved November 30, 2016, from PC Hardware, http://www.pchardware.co.uk/graphiccards.php#connector |
index.html Brief1.html |
R Khan | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 7 Sessions |
Topic: Is the Personal Computer Market Dead? 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: http://www.smartinsights.com/mobile-marketing/mobile-marketing-analytics/mobile-marketing-statistics/ |
* No Brief1.html |
N Kondysar | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 5 Sessions |
Topic: Solid State Drives replacing Hard Disk Drives 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html index.html Resp.css |
M Lawrence | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 9 Sessions |
Topic: Virtual Firewalls vs. Hardware 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html index.html PacioliStamp.png Resp.css |
J Ligon | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 1 Sessions |
Topic: Zarf Technologies * No 3rd line * References: Found EOF before first line of references |
* No Brief1.html |
N Lynn | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 6 Sessions |
Topic: Tech for connecting devices to computers: USB, FireWire, Thunderbolt, etc. 3rd line: Intro First Line of Reference section: http://www.displayport.org/what-is-displayport-over-usb-c/ |
index.html Brief1.html |
W Mian | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 11 Sessions |
Topic: Web Browsers 3rd line: Evolution of Web Browsers First Line of Reference section: Lasar, Matthew. “Before Netscape: the forgotten Web browsers of the early 1990s”. Web. 10 Nov. 2011. arstechnica.com. |
* No Brief1.html |
J Nguyen | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 11 Sessions |
Topic: Personal/Notebook Computers. Impact of tablets. Is this market really dead? 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2423063,00.asp |
index.html Brief1.html |
A Nolen | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 3 Sessions |
Topic: Gaming systems 3rd line: Technical Brief Outline First Line of Reference section: Introduction |
index.html Brief1.html |
E Page | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 * UniCode Chars in Brief1: 6 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 7 Sessions |
Topic: Cell Providers 3rd line: . Introduction – Talk about the technologies and market you will be discussing. Possibly Introduce the carriers you will be including in your analysis First Line of Reference section: |
* No Brief1.html index.html resp.css |
A Panagos | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 * UniCode Chars in Brief1: 3 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 5 Sessions |
Topic: Gaming Systems 3rd line: Introduction: First Line of Reference section: Performance |
* No Brief1.html index.html PacioliStamp.png Resp.css |
J Roberson | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 1 Sessions |
Topic: RAM, who makes it, market shares, what kinds are out now, whats next * No 3rd line * References: Found EOF before first line of references |
* No Brief1.html |
J Sander | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 6 Sessions |
Topic: Netbooks, what happened to them? * No 3rd line * References: Found EOF before first line of references |
* No Brief1.html |
R Sareen | Server-side editors: None *No Outlines directory *Has no web directory |
*No Outlines directory |
* No Brief1.html |
M Sohrab | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 12 Sessions |
Topic: Supercomputers * No 3rd line * References: Found EOF before first line of references |
index.html Brief1.html |
J Tadeo | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 1 SFTP 0 Flagged 8 Sessions |
Topic: Gaming Systems and Marketing for Gaming 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: Marketing |
index.html PacioliStamp.png Menu.html Resp.css Semantics.html Brief1.html |
D Tarekegne | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 5 Sessions |
Topic: Social network 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html |
S Telhan | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 3 Sessions |
Topic: Zarf Technology 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html index.html PacioliStamp.png Resp.css |
J Trammell | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 9 Sessions |
Topic: GPS * No 3rd line * References: Found EOF before first line of references |
index.html Brief1.html |
J Viles | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 43 SFTP * 7 Flagged 16 Sessions |
Topic: Topic: Cloud Computing Solutions in the Business Industry 3rd line: Intorduction First Line of Reference section: Refrences |
index.html Brief1.html |
R Yacoub | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 1 SFTP * 2 Flagged 19 Sessions |
Topic: Smartphones 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: Technologies |
index.html stylesheet.css Brief1.html |
V Yang | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 5 Sessions |
Topic: Cellular Market 3rd line: Cell Tech and Markets in the USA First Line of Reference section: 3G |
* No Brief1.html |
R Young | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 5 Sessions |
Topic: Virtual Firewalls VS Hardware Firewalls 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: Technologies |
* No Brief1.html index.html (Permissions: 664) stylesheet.css (Permissions: 664) |