Hands-on Linux Project
The progress report below is updated every minute, was last updated 2016-11-30 08:22:01: Get the due dates from your class’ web page. This is an exercise for working at the command line on a Linux Part 1 — Posting your TopicFor Part 1 of the HOL project make a directory named Outlines in your home directory and Set the permissions on the Outlines directory to 700 and the file Brief1 to 600. Part 2 — Posting Your Outline and ReferencesPart 2 of the project is to find references for your brief, Brief1 should be a plain-text file, should not have any html, will only be read When you’ve completed the research, edit the file Brief1 and add Part 3 — Making the 3-page website:Please find and comply with all the specs posted on the class’ page for the HOL/Tech Brief project. Here’s how to make the red asterisks go away.
Grading:Get any questions answered in class. |
Student | Directories & Permissions |
Term Paper Topic & Outline |
Files in web |
M Azzam | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 * UniCode Chars in Brief1: 3 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 10 Sessions |
Topic: (Permissions: 664) Console Gaming 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: Poh, M. (n.d.). Evolution of Home Video Game Consoles: 1967 – 2011. Retrieved November 29, 2016, from http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/evolution-of-home-video-game-consoles-1967-2011/ |
index.html Brief1.html |
R CostaDorsey | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 * UniCode Chars in Brief1: 12 Logged: 4 SFTP 0 Flagged 25 Sessions |
Topic: Evolution of Anti-Virus Technology 3rd line: Brief History of Antivirus Technology First Line of Reference section: “Modern Anti-Virus Software : Features and Functions.” MalwareTips.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2016. |
index.html bitdefender.png background.jpg kaspersky.png avira.jpg Brief1.html |
J Dang | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 19 Sessions |
Topic: Social Media 3rd line: History of Social Media Market First Line of Reference section: Dijick, J. V. (2013). The Culture of Connectivity: A Critical History of Social Media. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. |
index.html Brief1.html |
R Dumera | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 21 Sessions |
Topic: The Future Of USB’s 3rd line: Introduction to the Advancement of USB’s First Line of Reference section: Page, Raymond. “Intel Lays out Its Vision for the Future of USB Type-C.” The Tech Report. TheTechReport, 27 Apr. 2016. Web. 29 Nov. 2016. |
index.html Brief1.html |
E Freedlander | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 20 Sessions |
Topic: Virtual Firewalls vs. Hardware Firewalls 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
index.html Resp.css Brief1.html |
H Fufa | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 17 Sessions |
Topic: Virtual Firewalls vs Hardware Firewalls 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
index.html Brief1.html |
M Han | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 * UniCode Chars in Brief1: 3 Logged: 35 SFTP * 1 Flagged 77 Sessions |
Topic: Super Computing 3rd line: Introduction to Super Computing First Line of Reference section: References: Lemke, Tim (8 May 2013). “NSA Breaks Ground on Massive Computing Center”. Retrieved 28 November 2016. |
index.html background1.jpg background2.jpg background3.jpg Brief1.html |
A Hoang | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 12 Sessions |
Topic: Social Media 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: Reference: Chaffey, D. (2016). Global Social Media Statistics Summary 2016. Retrieved November 28, 2016, from http://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/social-media-strategy/new-global-social-media-research |
index.html Brief1.html |
S Hossain | Server-side editors: None Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 755 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 1 Sessions |
* No Brief1 in Outlines |
index.html (Windows Delim: 1) PacioliStamp.png Menu.html Resp.css Semantics.html (Windows Delim: 1) Brief1.html |
M Im | Server-side editors: None Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 2 Sessions |
* No Brief1 in Outlines |
* No Brief1.html |
C Jarvis | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 5 Sessions |
Topic: Virtual Reality 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: The Evolution of Virtual Reality |
index.html Brief1.html |
J Jones | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 7 Sessions |
Topic: Cellular Technologies 3rd line: Intorduction to Cellular Technologies First Line of Reference section: The emerging technologies shaping future 5G networks. (2014, September 19). Retrieved November 2016, from https://www.technologyreview.com/s/522401/the-emerging-technologies-shaping-future-5g-networks/ |
index.html Brief1.html |
J King | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 25 Sessions |
* No Brief1 in Outlines |
* No Brief1.html |
Z Krigelman | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 5 Sessions |
Topic: History of storage mediums through 2016. 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
index.html Brief1.html |
R Kuwaifi | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 9 Sessions |
Topic: Social Media 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: Morrison, K. (2014, January/February). The Growth of Social Media: From Passing Trend to International Obsession [Infographic]. Retrieved November 28, 2016, from http://www.adweek.com/socialtimes/the-growth-of-social-media-from-trend-to-obsession-infographic/142323 |
index.html Brief1.html |
P Laughlin | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 5 Sessions |
Topic: (Permissions: 664) Nutanix 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: |
* No Brief1.html |
T Le | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 7 Sessions |
Topic: Are personal computers dead? 3rd line: Introduction: First Line of Reference section: |
index.html Brief1.html |
D Limtsen | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 16 Sessions |
Topic: Console vs. CPU 3rd line: 1.Introduction First Line of Reference section: Dingman, H. (2016). 9 reasons why PC gaming is a better value than consoles. Retrieved November 27, 2016, from http://www.pcworld.com/article/3118250/software-games/9-reasons-why-pc-gaming-is-a-better-value-than-consoles.html |
index.html Brief1.html |
A Mason | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 1 Sessions |
Topic: (Permissions: 664) Zarf Technology 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References: |
* No Brief1.html index.html (Permissions: 664) Resp.css (Permissions: 664) |
K McClain | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 2 Sessions |
Topic: Cooling, or fire-suppression systems, for network rooms or data centers. 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: (2002). SFPE handbook of fire protection engineering, third edition (3rd ed.). Quincy, Mass. : Bethesda, Md.: National Fire Protection Association ; Society of Fire Protection Engineers. |
index.html Brief1.html |
S Moore | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 4 Sessions |
Topic: Smartphone 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: Liabilities |
index.html Brief1.html |
B Nguyen | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 22 Sessions |
Topic: Gaming Systems 3rd line: Introduction to the gaming industry today First Line of Reference section: Gilbert, Ben. “The PlayStation 4 Is the Most Popular Game Console in the World.” Business Insider. N.p., 26 May 2016.Web. 16 Nov. 2016. |
index.html Brief1.html |
D Nguyen | Server-side editors: None *No Outlines directory *Has no web directory |
*No Outlines directory |
* No Brief1.html |
B Ou | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 6 Sessions |
Topic: Search Engines 3rd line: Introduction to Search Engines First Line of Reference section: NICAS, JACK. The Wall Street Journal. 25 July 2016. Online Article Journal. 28 November 2016. |
index.html Brief1.html |
H Ponce | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 15 Sessions |
Topic: Real Private Network Providers 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References |
* No Brief1.html |
T Randall | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 11 Sessions |
Topic: Cloud Computing 3rd line: Introduction to Cloud Computing First Line of Reference section: O’Leary, R. (2016). How to compare AWS vs Azure vs Google vs Softlayer. Retrieved 11/29/2016. http://www.rightscale.com/blog/cloud-management-best-practices/how-compare-aws-vs-azure-vs-google-vs-softlayer. |
index.html Brief1.html |
J Ricks | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 19 Sessions |
Topic: Smartphones 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: A Brief History of Smartphones. (2014). Retrieved from The Snugg: http://www.thesnugg.com/a-brief-history-of-smartphones.aspx |
index.html color.css Brief1.html |
N Saleh | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 9 Sessions |
Topic: Server/Workstation class computers: Who uses them and how? 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: Intel Corporation. “Workstation or PC: How to decide what type of system is right for you.” 2011. www.intel.com. PDF. 29 November 2016. |
index.html Brief1.html |
S Shah | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 9 Sessions |
Topic: RAM, who makes it, market shares, what kinds are out now, what’s next. 3rd line: Introduction to RAM(H2) First Line of Reference section: McMullan@thomas_mac, T. (2015, July 28). The death of RAM? Intel and Micron introduce the future of high-speed storage. Retrieved November, 2016, from http://www.alphr.com/technology/1001277/the-death-of-ram-intel-and-micron-introduce-the-future-of-high-speed-storage |
index.html Brief1.html |
G ShajariKhaveh | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 18 Sessions |
Topic: Cloud Computing 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: Pullen, John Patrick. “Where Did Cloud Computing Come From, Anyway?” Time. Time, 19 Mar. 2015. Web. 29 Nov. 2016. |
index.html PacioliStamp.png Menu.html Resp.css Semantics.html (Windows Delim: 1) Brief1.html |
K Singamaneni | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 19 Sessions |
Topic: Cellular technologies and carriers, who does what, market share 3rd line: Introduction to Cellular Techonologies and Carriers First Line of Reference section: Dano, Mike. “How Verizon, AT&T;, T-Mobile, Sprint and More Stacked up in Q2 2016.” FierceWireless. QUESTEX, 15 Aug. 2016. Web. 28 Nov. 2016. |
index.html Brief1.html |
A Smith | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 11 Sessions |
Topic: (Permissions: 664) 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: References |
index.html Brief1.html |
J Swan | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 27 Sessions |
Topic: Cellular Technologies 3rd line: Introduction: First Line of Reference section: Miessler, D. (2015, October 14). Mobile (Cellular) Technologies Explained. Retrieved November 29, 2016, from DanielMiessler.com, https://danielmiessler.com/study/cellular/#gs.Z5N9bBQ |
* No Brief1.html |
C Watson | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 16 Sessions |
Topic: Anti-Virus Software 3rd line: Introduction First Line of Reference section: Mediati, Nick. “Free vs. Fee: Free and Paid Antivirus Programs Compared.” PCWorld. PCWorld, 29 Nov. 2010. Web. 29 Nov. 2016. |
index.html Brief1.html |
B Wilson | Server-side editors: vi Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 Has web directory, Permissions: 701 Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 15 Sessions |
Topic: Graphics Card 3rd line: introduction First Line of Reference section: Demerjian, Charlie. “AMD Has to Buy ATI to Survive.” The INQUIRER. Incisive Business Media (IP) Limited, 24 July 2006. Web. 27 Nov. 2016. |
index.html Brief1.html |
M Wood | Server-side editors: None Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700 *Has no web directory Logged: 0 SFTP 0 Flagged 4 Sessions |
Topic: Virtualization: Past and Present * No 3rd line * References: Found EOF before first line of references |
* No Brief1.html |