Random Access Memory has served us all in society by now. RAM is a form of data storage for computers. A random-access memory device allows data items to be read and written in approximately
the same amount of time regardless of the order in which data items are accessed.[1] This technology has evolved to unprecedented levels of efficiency and this is the story of how.
Primal forms of memory where limited to retrieving data in the order it was entered until the Williams Tube introduced ‘random access memory’ in 1947. This first high-speed, entirely electronic
memory used a cathode ray tube (as in a TV) to store bits as dots on the screen’s surface. Each dot lasted a fraction of a second before fading. [2] Next emerged Magnetic core memory
circa de 1952 and was used up until about the 90’s. The first magnetic core memory was from the IBM 405 Alphabetical Accounting Machine. [3] Now a days we are used to the Solid State form of RAM.
Solid state storage (SSS) is a type of computer storage media that is made from silicon microchips. SSS stores data electronically instead of magnetically, as spinning hard disk drives or magnetic oxide tape do. [4]
There are two types of Random Access Memory or RAM, each has its own advantages and disadvantages compared to the other. SRAM (Static RAM) and DRAM (Dynamic RAM) holds data but in a different ways. [5] Basically,
DRAM needs to be refreshed periodically whereas SRAM does not. This can lead to advantages for either depending on the requirements like speed or consistency.
RAM has many applications in today’s environment. Large websites and databases use gigantic amounts of RAM mirrored across a faultless system. The core of the ‘non’ corporate users resides in the gaming community.
As far as that demographic goes, there are five big contenders as described in a popular forum:
1. Corsair
2. XTremeDDR
3. Micron
4. Samsung
5. Kingston
6. Everything else. [6]
The future awaits us, an exciting one indeed. The destiny of this memory technology is profoundly advanced. Molecular Memory is a term we will all come to know in the years to come. Conventional wisdom says that although current production methods can cram large amounts of data into the small space of a chip, eventually there will reach a point where we can’t cram anymore on there. So, what do we do? According to researchers, we look for something smaller to write on; say, about the size of a molecule, or even an atom. [7]
With ideas such as Molecular Memory and Quantum Computing floating around, it’s an exciting era to be a part off. The future of memory and technology overall will be astonishing to watch unfold and see what it brings to mankind.
Works Cited
1. “RAM, ROM, and Flash Memory”. For Dummies. Retrieved March 1, 2015.
2. http://www.computerhistory.org/revolution/memory-storage/8/308
3. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/computinghistory/core.html
4. http://searchstorage.techtarget.com/definition/solid-state-storages
5. http://www.differencebetween.net/technology/difference-between-sram-and-dram/
6. http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/45556-30-ranking-best-brands
7. https://www.cs.umd.edu/class/fall2001/cmsc411/projects/ramguide/pastandfuture/pastandfuture.html