INFO300 Hands On Linux Project • 11:00 Section:

INFO300 Hands On Linux Project • 11:00 Section:

The progress report and compliance with specs are updated at one second past every minute. They were last updated 2018-11-30 07:58:02.
Logs for bash and sftp history are updated every ten minutes.

A good looking progress report will have no red marks for components on their due date.
Due dates and other specs are posted on the class’ web page. The lack of red marks does not
necessariy mean that all specs for the project have been met.

See Notes about Names and Permissions for Parts 1, 2, & 3
after the Progress Report…

This is an exercise for working at the command line on a Linux
server and using the vi editor.
Do not edit these files on a Windows or Mac desktop and copy them to
the server.

Progress Report:

K Aguilar:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 6
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: Gaming Systems




Every morning, my grandmother cleaned the Fischer stove
in the back of the trailer, lifted as in a shovel, careful
not to spill the white-gray dust, Precious, she said, her breath
smoking in the cold. Precious in winter's first lavender
not-quite-light--and you could smell it, the faintest acrid hint
of ash, a crispness calling you from bed. You could watch her
cap it in a chicory coffee can to stack among other, back bent
from a long-gone fever. For the garden in the spring, she said.


Two men share
one tooth. From
one tooth the men
predict the world.
Thank you! or
we would not exist.
Two men and one
tooth is not a problem.
One man is wide
and one man is sober.
Sometmes the men are
the same. Little toot


Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I;ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if i perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

G Aiyudu:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 7
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 Brief1 File3


Topic: Browser,Desktop,Mobile




First American corporation
wanted to change its company's
fortune from bad to good.
According to the papers,
"The company lost $60 million
and was in operation under
letters of agreement
with regulations.
FAC changed strategy to a
customer relationship focused
approach at all operational
level ofthe company.


The huge number of customer
information collected gave a
rise to the need for data
First American Corporation
realised that by providing
the customers with the best service
possible, they can receive valuable
This valuable information can be
useful in creating new product designs.
FAC collected and used customers
information through the use of a
data warehouse named Vision.


vision collects customer behaviors
like spending habbits, product used.
It also develops different strategies
to help the company tailor a good
product design.
The prduct produced may create
customer satisfaction.
In the implementation stage of
teh strategy, FAC had to change
employee mindset.
The new way of working was
now banking by information analysis
not by banking by intuition. Another
success factor is the implementation of vision.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

A Alfallaj:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: None
No File9 files


*No Outlines directory



No File1

No File2

No File3

Y Alobaid:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: None
No File9 files


*No Outlines directory



No File1

No File2

No File3

Y Atassi:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 9
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 FIle3 Brief1 outlines File3


Topic: social media




This is my first example
For file 1 for the Linux
Project. Because I am new
To it, I look forward to
Working with Linux and
Mastering it.
My topic is Social media
and I will give a brief
description of The technology
and its History, and Discuss
the Size of the Market.
Our First deliverable is due
Thursday, which will include
This background information.
My completed project should
Demonstrates what I learned
from linux.


I will be doing my linux project
for info 300 on social media. I
need to finish my first deliverable
by gathering and researching
information on my topic.
The next step is to create my own
website based on the information
I have gathered. I have made a
website via html for my info 200
class in the past.
I am currently righting an example
for one of my files, which I need
right now.


This is another example
For file 3. I need to make
Sure that my lines are no
longer than 80 characters
in order for my example to
be correct.
I hope to gain
experience with Linux
throughout this project
and later apply this
experience within my future
I look forward to doing
my project on social media
because it is currently a hot
topic within society and I am a
social media user myself.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

R Brown:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 3
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: Physical GPS




It was never my intention to go this far. I had no idea how many people
I'd effect. My goal was selfish, and I knew that. I just wish more
people understood.
I came here with every ounce of courage I had left. Today was going to
be the day. Though I left my house in a hurry, I managed to tap out my
last apology letter and sent it to it's intended.
My life was about to change, both physically and mentally. It would take
others a long time to realize it, but I was going to make a difference.
Today was the day that I'd take that final step through consciousness
and end up in limbo until my sentencing.


My time of death was declared 22:52, Thursday, December 4th. I never
made it to my son's first Christmas, but that was no matter. He would
be better off without me.
Come to think of it, the whole world was lucky not to have me. I wasn't
that I was a menace of society or anything, I just never contributed.
I didn't care about anyone but myself, and I think my wife could sense
that. Our vows felt too one-sided, and she thought bringing a baby into
the picture would bring us closer. It didn't.
In fact, it was the determining factor in my demise. I didn't want to be
a burden on him or my wife. They'll turn out alright. I'm better off
amongst the clouds or below the earth; I guess that depends on what they


It all might take a while to process it all, and that's okay. Just know
that I wasn't capable of emotion, and it forced me to lie my entire life.
I probably didn't love you in the way that you loved me, and I couldn't
fake that well. You have my blessing to re-marry, but make sure you don't
tell him about me. You'll both be alright if I'm not even in your
You'll be happy to hear that I died peacefully in my sleep. I sat in the
chair, with my arms outstretched. I closed my eyes and blocked out the
sounds of the tanks filling with chemicals. As the needle went in my arm,
I knew I had made the right choice. This was no place for a newborn and
his tired mother. This was a place for criminals, and that was what I was.
Shivers went down my spine as the pentobarbital hit my veins. I was out
cold after a few seconds. Then the Pancuronium bromide hit to finish off
my respiratory system. Finally, the one that crossed me over into limbo
was the potassium chloride. It didn't take long after that for my heart
to give out. It was an aggressive ceremony, but it was peaceful to me.
My last conscious thought was, "Finally."

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

Z Chen:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701

0 Flagged
9 Sessions
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: Linux Gaming Systems



Let America be America again.
Let it be the dream it used to be.
Let it be the pioneer on the plain
Seeking a home where he himself is free
Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed
Let it be that great strogn land of love
Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme
That any man be crushed by one above.
O, Let my land be a land where Liberty
Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath,
But oppurtunity is real, and life is free,
Equality is the air we breathe.


I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain and back in rain.
I have outwalked the furthest city light.
I have looked down the saddest city lane.
I have passed by the watchman on his beat
And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.
I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet
When far away an interrupted cry
Came over houses from another street,
But not to call me back or say goodbye:
And further still at an uearthly height
One luminary clock against the sky
Proclaimed the time was nethier wrong nor right.
I have been one acquainted with the night.


My Sorrow, when she's here with me.
Thinks these dark days of autumn rain
Are beautiful as days can be
She lvoes the bare, the withered tree
She walks the sodden pasture lane.
Her pleasure will not let me stay.
She talks and I am fain to lst
She's glad the birds are gone away,
She's glad her simple worsted grady
Is silver now with clinging mist.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

N Chhabra:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: None
No File9 files


*No Outlines directory



No File1

No File2

No File3

J Chukwu:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
Only One File9 file
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 4
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 AnotherFile


Topic: Zarf Tech




I think there's nothing better than a tree.
When I see a stump or log.
It makes me wish I was a dog...
I think there's nothing better than a tree.
When I see a stump or log.
It makes me wish I was a dog...

No File2

No File3

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

C Cubbage:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 1
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: SSD vs HDD




Well, you know what I like about
you, Shrek? You got that kind of
thing. I like that. I respect that,
Shrek. You all right. (They come over
a hill and you can see Shrek's cottage.)
Whoa! Look at that. Who'd want to live
in place like that?
That would be my home.
Oh! And it is lovely! Just beautiful.
You know you are quite a decorator.
It's amazing what you've done with such
a modest budget. I like that boulder.
That is a nice boulder. I guess you
don't entertain much, do you?
I like my privacy.


(chuckles nervously) So, just sit back
and relax, my lord, because it's time
for you to meet today's eligible bachelorettes.
And here they are! Bachelorette number
one is a mentally abused shut-in from
a kingdom far, far away. She likes sushi
and hot tubbing anytime. Her hobbies
include cooking and cleaning for her
two evil sisters. Please welcome Cinderella.
Bachelorette number two is a cape-wearing girl from
the land of fancy. Although she lives
with seven other men, she's not easy.
Just kiss her dead, frozen lips and
find out what a live wire she is. Come
on. Give it up for Snow White!
And last, but certainly not last, bachelorette number
three is a fiery redhead from a dragon-guarded
castle surrounded by hot boiling lava!
But don't let that cool you off. She's
a loaded pistol who likes pina coladas
and getting caught in the rain. Yours
for the rescuing, Princess Fiona!


Water. Earth. Fire. Air.
My grandmother used to tell me
stories about the old days. A time of peace.
When the Avatar kept balance between the
Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads.
But that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
Only the Avatar mastered all four elements.
Only he could stop the ruthless firebenders.
But when the world needed him most, he vanished.
A hundred years have passed and the
Fire Nation is nearing victory in the war.
Two years ago, my father and the men of my tribe
journeyed to the Earth Kingdom to
help fight against the Fire Nation.
Leaving me and my brother to look after our tribe.
Some people believe that the Avatar
was never reborn into the Air Nomads.
And that the cycle is broken, but I haven't lost hope.
I still believe that somehow
the Avatar will return to save the world.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

A Demery:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 9
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: Global Positioning System (GPS)




"I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!"
She sat across the desk from me, squirming.
It was stifling, My suite runs hot
but most days it is bearable.
This student has turned in nothing,
rarely comes to class. When she does,
her eyes bore into me with a disdain
born long before either of us.
She doesn't trust anything I say.
She can't respect my station,
the words come out of these lips,
this face. My breathing
is an affront. It's me, she says.
I never was this student's professor-
her immediate reaction
seeing me at the smart board.
But I have a calling to complete
& she has to finish college,
return to a town where
she doesn't have to look at,
listen to or respect anyone
like me-forever tall, large
& brown in her dagger eyes,
though it's clear she looks down
on me. She can return-if not to her hometown,
another enclave, so many others, where
she can brush a dog's golden coat,
be vegan & call herself
a good person.


The Benefits Of Exercise
All my life I've been extra large, plus
I'm known as a very large fellow.
I would easily pass as a school district bus
If somebody pained me yellow.
"No secret to losing weight," I've been told.
"Just cut the fat from your diet."
"Get up and about even if it's cold."
Once again, I decided to try it.
But jogging was something senseless to me,
And riding a bike seemed insane.
Joining a gym involved a large fee,
And lifting weights was a pain.
So for exercise I choose horse back riding.
It's fun and easier than it sounds.
It's a very effective form of dieting
'Cause my horse lost forty pounds.


The Glass Eye
The joke was very funny
She laughed a lot of tears
When suddenly her eye fell out
And landed in her beer
She fished around
with her pudding spoon
But it just stared back
Through the beery gloom
She tired again
with her fountain pen
but she only saw it
Now and then
What to do
She tried to decide
Pondered and pondered
Sighed and sighed
In a fit of madness
She downed her drink
Swallowed her eye
With not even a blink
She rang her doctor
In a fit of remorse
Who simply advised her
"Let nature take its course"
I believe she's still waiting
It's playing hide and seek
So she's had to buy another eye
To see her through the week

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

M Foster:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 8
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: Marketshare of Linux, Unix, and DOS/Windows





Why would she make calls out the blue
Now I'm awake, sleepless til noon
Hey hey hey hey
Don't say you will
Unless you will
Hey hey hey hey
Don't say you will
Then play you will
I pray you will
Mrs. So-Fly crash-lands in my room
Can't waste no time, she might leave soon
Hey hey hey hey
Don't say you will
You will
Hey hey hey hey
Don't say you will
One day you will
I pray you will
When I grab your neck, I touch your soul
Take off your cool then lose control
Hey hey hey hey
Don't say you will
You will you will
Hey hey hey hey
Don't say you will
If you will
I pray you will
I wish this song would really come true
I admit I still fantasize about you
About you
Hey hey hey hey
Don't say you will
You will you will
Hey hey hey hey
Please say you will
For real
I pray you will


I like progdramming a lot.
One day I'm going to drive a Tesla.
These cars are very echonomically friendly.
I want to learn to speak Portugues fluently.
I like all styles of music.
I like to watch anime.
My favorite anime at the is My Hero Acedemia.
The show focuses on people going to school to learn how to be super heros.
My all time favorite anime is Dragonball/Z/Super.
I love Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball Super.
I hate Dragonball GT though.


iLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Quis varius quam quisque id diam vel.
Accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque eu.
Sit amet purus gravida quis blandit.
Sed faucibus turpis in eu mi bibendum neque.
Dolor morbi non arcu risus quis varius quam quisque.
Etiam tempor orci eu lobortis elementum nibh.
Et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin.
Ac odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis.
Ac ut consequat semper viverra.
Vestibulum rhoncus est pellentesque elit ullamcorper.
Lacus laoreet non curabitur gravida arcu ac tortor dignissim convallis.
Turpis nunc eget lorem dolor sed viverra.
Rhoncus aenean vel elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque.
Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id.
Vivamus at augue eget arcu dictum varius.
Dignissim convallis aenean et tortor at.
Elementum curabitur vitae nunc sed.
Neque volutpat ac tincidunt vitae semper.
Id consectetur purus ut faucibus pulvinar.
Integer vitae justo eget magna fermentum iaculis.
Commodo elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi.
Volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue nisi.
Nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices vitae.
Amet justo donec enim diam vulputate ut pharetra.
Sit amet venenatis urna cursus eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris.
Enim lobortis scelerisque fermentum dui faucibus.
Enim blandit volutpat maecenas volutpat blandit.
Gravida cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

A Garcia:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 4
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: My topic for this project is mid-range computers.




It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go
Take a look in the five and ten glistening once again
With candy canes and silver lanes aglow
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Toys in every store
But the prettiest sight to see, is the holly that it will be
On your own front door
A pair of hop-along boots and a pistol that shoots
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for sschool to start again


I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,
Just like the ones I used to know
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white


Santa baby, a '54 convertible too, light blue
I'll wait up for you, dear
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot
Been an angel all year
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks
Sign your 'x' on the line
Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

A Henn:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 5
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: VR display tech brief




Some people think there is nothing better than a tree
but then again, most folks aren't dogs
who like trees because that is where they pee!
There are those who don't get the attraction
To the bark and the leaves and the "action"
They're probably cats, or something like that
Or perhaps they just don't know where It's at!
If there's one thing I've learned from this all
It's that trees are almost the best
Not counting, of course, the finest of things,
That wonderful, chaseable BALL!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris
risus tellus, eu rutrum nib aliquam vitae. Pellenteque nec tortor
augue. Quisqui in risus finibus, suscipit tellus vitae, pulvinar
ligula. Quisqui posuere nec tortor augue.
Quisque in risus finibus, suscipit tellus vitae, pulvinar ligula.
Quisque posuere condimentum doolor vel dignissim. Aliquam
scelerisque neque vitae laoreet suscipit. Morbi vitae est id sem
dapibus condimentum. Suspendisse potenti. Duis vel odio ut mauris
tempore posuere vel nec dui. Nullam nulla tellus, luctus a
condimentum in, dictum varius turpis.
In quis elit in neque accumsan efficitur et a urna. Donec et luctus
velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ut accumsan nisi molestie, scelerisque magna sed, pellentesque arcu.
Suspendisse volutpat, odio eget blandit porta, augue libero gravida
valit, non elementum quam erat set dolor. Duis eqet arcu in massa
rhoncus consectetur.


This is the third file. It comes after the first file and the
second file. If there is another file after this it will be
known as the fourth file. Nobody asked for the fourth file though
so that would be one too many.
The login password I got was pretty weak. Only 6 characters.
I guess there isn't too much of value on this server that I
can access with my credentials. Plus I went ahead and changed it.
I wonder what the permissions are set at for the other user directories.
Oh hey, I don't have access. Lol.
I think the grading on quiz 2 was pretty generous which was a nice surprise!
I was feeling pretty stressed about the quiz since I had a couple of tests
on the same day and there was lots of competition for study time. Glad to
see that it went well :)

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

M Ishak:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 13
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 Brief1 File3


Topic: Smartphones




Today everybody have Smartphone on his/her hand. It is uses as
language. we cant live without Smartphones. we need to know
when we can use and why we need Smartphone in our daily life.
Somepeople is addict to smartphone. we need to be aware what
is the advantage we can uses from that, and what what is the
disadvantages we can skipt from Smartphones.
The advantages:
Keep in touch easily, Your family and family are one message.
if you have an emergency then you can text someone and
ask for help.
You can travel the globe and still connect with
your family using smartphones.
The smartphone help to close the distance among people.
The disadvantages:
Privacy endangered, if your phone is stolen then
information will no longer be private.
Distraction,you can be easily distracted with
a smartphone. You have to be careful because accidents
can occur.If you are driving then put your phone away.


Good Friend, what do you think when I say good friend?
What do you think about to have a good friend in your life.
It is important for you! It is all friend is good!
From my view we dont have good friend like before
I mean when I saw my parents was talking about their memories
with their friends i feel bad you why? Because we dont have kind
of these people in our life today. Now our good friends our devices.
we dont have time to make good friends.
we always hurry ,we dont need to take time to choose the right person
to be your friend.My advice from you today take breath
and choose the good friend for you to be as a supporter to you.
Choose carefully you will feel better and you will fiend good
friend forever.


cancer is one of the most important non-infectious
or non-communicable diseases Cancer is referred to as
an ailment characterised by an unrestrained growth of
abnormal cells which if untreated and unchecked
eventually kills the patient.
Let me talk more about how the cancer is dangerous!
In the United States accounting for 22 percent of all
deaths in this country. cancer can develop from genetic
defect. A single gene in a single chromosome that gets
passed on from generation to generation.
This disease can be treated and cured, but sometimes people
may get it back again. Stomack and breast cancers are
some of cancers that can result from a genetic defect.
On the other hand the lung cancer cases are causes for
the 80 percent cigarette smoking and is a major risk
factor for many others cancers as well.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

E Jeong:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 6
SFTP: 13 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: Operating Systems (Linux, iOS, Windows)





The 802.11 standard defines three different spread-spectrum
broadcasting methods: direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DSSS),
frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS), and orthogonal
frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). DSSS sends data out on
different frequencies at the same time, whereas FHSS sends data
on one frequency at a time, constantly shifting (or hopping) frequencies.


Every Wi-Fi network communicates on a channel, a portion of the spectrum
available. For the 2.4-GHz band, the 802.11 standard defines 14 channels
of 20-MHz each, but different countries limit exactly which channels may be
used. In the United States, for example, a WAP usings the 2.4-GHz band may
use only channels 1 through 11. These channels have some overlap, so two
nearby WAPs should not use close channels like 6 and 7. Most WAPs use
channels 1, 6, and 11 by default because these are the only non-overlapping


|          _____________________________           |
| [1] [2]  _____________________________ [_][_][_] |
| [3] [4]  [_][_][_] [_][_][_][_] [_][_] [_][_][_] |
| [5] [6]  [][][][][][][][][][][][][][_] [1][2][3] |
| [7] [8]  [_][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [4][5][6] |
| [9][10]  [__][][][][][][][][][][][][_] [7][8][9] |
| [11][12] [___][][][][][][][][][][][__] [__][0][] |
|          [_][______________][_]                  |

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

K Jones:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 9
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: :set File1 File2 outlines File3


Topic: Topic: Replacing Mechanical HDDs with SSDs



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris at ante convallis purus pellentesque luctus et eget tellus.
Nullam ex mi, accumsan at tellus quis, suscipit scelerisque diam.
Aenean mollis tincidunt mi ut varius. Vestibulum tristique varius metus,
eget congue nunc semper nec. Sed sit amet suscipit sem, ut
ultricies ante. Sed sit amet enim volutpat, porta nisl at,
porttitor lacus. Duis iaculis arcu lectus, nec tempus arcu ornare
a. Morbi nisi purus, vulputate facilisis interdum et, lobortis vel ex.
Aliquam sed volutpat nisl, sit amet dapibus magna. Nunc tempor
nunc risus, et sollicitudin libero semper a. Curabitur sem justo,
maximus vitae consectetur volutpat, elementum quis risus. Vivamus
tincidunt consectetur elementum. Curabitur scelerisque in ligula
a vestibulum. Etiam sodales, velit quis dictum blandit, ligula leo
vulputate nisi, non feugiat magna felis aliquam metus. Suspendisse
est ipsum, condimentum a bibendum ut, porta eget dui.
Donec erat felis, convallis id posuere et, viverra sed urna. In
fermentum consectetur ipsum vitae tempor. Sed iaculis porttitor
urna et ullamcorper. Nulla egestas viverra facilisis. Phasellus
nisl elit, gravida sit amet dolor sed, scelerisque varius dui.
Curabitur sit amet risus justo. Cras nulla nulla, vehicula ac
ultrices ac, sollicitudin in orci. Ut quis auctor massa. Duis
in consectetur erat. Nam placerat tincidunt nunc, in ultrices
lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus
et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam a sem quam.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Curabitur vel posuere mi, et molestie tellus. Morbi facilisis
mi eu nisi aliquam laoreet. Fusce eget iaculis mauris. Nulla
luctus turpis sit amet hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent in vulputate
turpis, sit amet dignissim neque. Sed tellus quam, vestibulum eget
commodo quis, maximus ac ipsum. Nulla vulputate consectetur urna,
eget consequat mi tristique eu. Nullam ac nibh iaculis, varius justo
et, suscipit eros.
Nunc bibendum, leo at feugiat blandit, ipsum nisl hendrerit orci,
sed rutrum nisi justo non nisi. Curabitur malesuada magna ac
dui porta tempus. Sed hendrerit rhoncus blandit. Aenean luctus
risus vitae odio tristique pharetra. Nunc nec diam iaculis,
condimentum augue ut, ultrices justo. Proin ornare viverra mauris
eu vestibulum.
Maecenas aliquam felis varius, imperdiet ante vel, placerat metus.
Sed finibus mi sit amet leo blandit elementum. Curabitur imperdiet
lacus nec ipsum luctus, id efficitur purus hendrerit. Vivamus id
malesuada orci. Vestibulum iaculis felis nisl, nec porta ex
mattis a. Aenean nisl nisl, lobortis sit amet gravida ultrices,
bibendum faucibus erat. Vestibulum magna quam, luctus nec massa
ut, lacinia tempus ex. Pellentesque dignissim rhoncus erat,
vitae condimentum nisi posuere vitae.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vestibulum malesuada at orci in pretium. Morbi a venenatis elit.
Proin sed malesuada sem, quis pharetra velit. Curabitur laoreet
leo quis fermentum elementum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante
ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla sapien diam, iaculis at justo sed,
accumsan auctor dui.
Vivamus sed finibus justo, at ornare sem. Aenean tincidunt
venenatis tortor, eget iaculis diam varius vel. Nullam sed
tortor lacinia, feugiat justo in, luctus nibh. Fusce at massa
sed nibh finibus blandit ut sed nibh. Pellentesque ut molestie
enim, ut tempus nibh. Nullam venenatis pellentesque tristique.
Sed gravida felis at justo interdum, id convallis sem egestas.
Vivamus viverra pulvinar lorem. Maecenas ac nibh vitae orci
suscipit sagittis vel sed mi. Phasellus sollicitudin scelerisque
egestas. Mauris pharetra sed ante eu egestas. Pellentesque erat
tellus, commodo eu condimentum vitae, euismod et lorem. Quisque
laoreet vel est at ornare. Proin faucibus justo velit, eu tempor
risus sagittis id. Morbi eget facilisis velit, in vulputate magna.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

A Kanu:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
No File9 files
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 755

Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 5
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: file1.txt File1.txt file.txt


* No Brief1 in Outlines




No File1

No File2

No File3

T Lavine:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: None
No File9 files


*No Outlines directory



No File1

No File2

No File3

M Lee:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 5
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: VR Machines: Comparing Price vs. Functionality.



I hear the drums echoing tonight
But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation
She's coming in, 12:30 flight
The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation
I stopped an old man along the way
Hoping to find some long forgotten words or ancient melodies
He turned to me as if to say, "Hurry boy, it's waiting there for you"


The wild dogs cry out in the night
As they grow restless, longing for some solitary company
I know that I must do what's right
As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti
I seek to cure what's deep inside, frightened of this thing that I've become


It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa
I bless the rains down in Africa
(I bless the rain)
I bless the rains down in Africa
(I bless the rain)
I bless the rains down in Africa
I bless the rains down in Africa
(Ah, gonna take the time)
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

V Lopez:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 5
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: My topic is on Virtual Reality headsets




You're a holiday
A glass of ocean slipping down my throat
And landed on my hopes, I'm dreaming
Off the maps no hidden grids, I'm fleeing
I worship you like holy days
Lying on my back, seeing clouds and rays
Drinking lime and bitter from my lemonade
White horses, maritime won't do
Do you remember?
The holiday slipped away
Time and place
I definitely remember
Lying on my back and seeing clouds and rays
We're dreaming
The feelings rule
Forever we're young
Pages unsung, ooh
I feel that you remember
Dreaming of a past that couldn't last
But now we're changing
I think it's the, know that it's the
I'm thinking it's the bad, bad blood
I'm thinking it's the, know that it's the
I'm thinking it's the bad, bad


Losing it to waterfalls
Rip and tidy years of gold
Buried under rivers all the doubt I didn't notice
'Cause maybe we learned for the magical
The carpet that belonged to those
The beautiful and mystical illusion not the broken
Feels like pretty doesn't know me
Only shows up when I'm lonely Through the tears of imperfection
The mirror knows
Could you like someone that's hoping that
They crawl out of their own skin for a time?
If I was your girlfriend, could you love for two?
If I was your girlfriend, could you pull me through?
To make us fly
To make us fly


I've been holding onto fire in the night time
Thinking how I'm seeing mirrors daylight
Drinking red, but bleeding only blue wine
And I keep up alright
Whispered prayers and messages to heal my
Breaking into rivers on a real time
Drinking red, but bleeding only blue wine
I'm breaking into slow motion
I'm watching me in slow motion
Sweep me up from cold oceans
I'll make it through broken emotion
I've been waking up to freeze the sunrise
Hoping it's a way to reach the high life
I knew it all, stepping out to find I know nothing at all
And I've been drinking red, but bleeding only blue wine

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

S Luu:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 9
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: Virtual Hardware vs. Hardware Firewalls




Ring o ring o'roses,
a pocketful of posies,
ashes, ashes,
we all fall down!


twinkle twinkle little star,
how I wonder what you are,
up above the world so high,
like a diamond in the sky,
twinkle twinkle little star,
how I wonder what you are!


eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
catch a tiger by the toe.
if he hollers, let him go,
eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

S Mahdawi:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 22
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: Social Media




I like to travel and one day I want to go to
all the seven wonders of the world.
The first one is the Great Wall of China
Second is Petra located in my home country of Jordan.
Third is Christ the Redeemer in Brazil.
Fourth is Machu Piccu in Peru
Fifth is Chichen Itza in Mexico
Sixth is Colosseum in Italy
Seventh is the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt.
Each one of these wonders are beautiful in their own way and
tell different stories about the culture of each of their countries.


You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
When the road looks rough ahead
And you're miles and miles from your nice warm bed
You just remember what your old pal said
Boy, you've got a friend in me
Yeah,you've got a friend in me


I love cheese.
All kinds of cheese.
Cheddar, swiss, provolone, american
pepper jack, goudha, feta, mozzarella,
cream cheese, asiago, monterey jack,
muenster, colby,and queso.
The only cheese I do not like is
Blue Cheese.
I like to eat cheese with
crackers, in sandwhiches,
with salad, fondue.
Basically I like to eat cheese with everything and anything.
The only cheese I do not like is Blue cheese.
It is disgusting.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

A Manzur:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 3
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: (Permissions: 644) Enter Title Here




This is where you type your stuff



No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

S Mohaghegh:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 8
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: AI




A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
It is a period of civil war. Rebel
spaceships, striking from a hidden
base, have won their first victory
against the evil Galactic Empire.
During the battle, Rebel spies managed
to steal secret plans to the Empire's
ultimate weapon, the Death Star, an
armored space station with enough
power to destroy an entire planet.
Pursued by the Empire's sinister agents,
Princess Leia races home aboard her
starship, custodian of the stolen plans
that can save her people and restore
freedom to the galaxy....


The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic
capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it
continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds.
Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but
gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep]
A single lap should be completed each time you hear this
sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run
as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete
a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin
on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum prima dicta quaeque
ad, ad est antiopam ocurreret, ex est vero vocibus temporibus.
Duis affert malorum qui ut, nec ad vero sale. Odio sint deleniti
no ius, cu his prima illud persequeris. Est vero tacimates omittantur ad.
Vel porro atomorum ea. Pro omnes imperdiet ea, ut audiam insolens nominati
mel, evertitur similique ius ex. Id nec possit inermis accusam, cu dictas
reformidans mel. Ei viris propriae appetere vis. An qui accusata repudiare
deseruisse, ex oratio nonumes reprehendunt has, ad sed enim putant appareat.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

T Moyer:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Has web directory, Permissions: 701
Sessions: 12
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: Outines File1 File2 File3


Topic: SSD vs. HDD


sh.css (Permissions: 644)



Jim: Wait. What are you writing? Don't write Ebola or mad cow disease.
Right? 'Cause I'm suffering from both.
Pam: I'm inventing new diseases.
Jim: Oh, great.
Pam: So, let's say my teeth turn to liquid and then, they drip down the
back of my throat. What would you call that?
Jim: I thought you said you were inventing diseases? That's spontaneous
dental hydroplosion.
Pam: Nice.
Jim: Thank you.


Stanley: Sometimes women say more in their pauses than they say in their words.
Michael: Really?
Stanley: Oh, yes. Let's listen to it again. And this time, really listen
to the pauses.
Michael: God, Stanley, that's frickin' brilliant. How do you know that?
Did you learn that on the streets? Sorry.
Stanley: Oh, no, that's ok. I did learn it on the streets.
On the ghetto, in fact.
Michael: No kidding.
Stanley: It's all about my bonus.


Jim: It's true. I'm having a party. I've got three cases of imported beer,
a karaoke machine, and I didn't invite Michael. So three ingredients for a
great party. And it's nothing personal, I just think that if he were there,
people wouldn't be able to relax, and you know, have fun, and my roommate
wants to meet everybody. Because I'm pretty sure he thinks that I'm making
Dwight up. [sighs] He is very real.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

M Muminovic:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: None
No File9 files


*No Outlines directory



No File1

No File2

No File3

T Nguyen:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 3
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: cell phones, who does what, and market share




Pictures and video of migrant men, women and children rushing through
white clouds of tear gas fired by border agents during an incident
at the southern US border have brought forth anger, debate and concern.
While the morality and necessity of the riot control agent's use is
certainly a topic of debate, others have also worried about the
effects the substance could have on the young migrant children who
were seen in the fray.
According to experts, tear gas isn't exactly what you think it is --
and it does, in fact, have the potential to have a dangerous
and long-lasting effect on children.


Is it because his teammates are learning how to play alongside him
and vice versa? No doubt. The dog was on fire.
Lakers' Ball sprains ankle, says he'll play Thu.
Lakers point guard Lonzo Ball underwent X-rays on his left ankle
that revealed a "regular sprain," but he said he'll be ready to
play in the Lakers' next game Thursday against the Pacers.
Since Rondo had to leave a game in Portland and subsequently have
surgery, James is handling the ball almost a minute more per game
than before, according to Second Spectrum's tracking data


his is a significant spike because the Lakers have so many
possessions where they push the ball in transition that ballhandling
stats can be a little skewed. During this span James has increased
his scoring average five points a game.
In fact, his stats have improved across the board, especially
his shooting, which has soared since Rondo went down. The Lakers
are benefiting. Even "official starting point guard" Lonzo Ball
is filling the lanes on fast breaks and coming out of his shell
at James' urging.
Advance scouts who have been tracking the Lakers report that Ball
frequently becomes an off guard when James is in the game with him.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

R Odette:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 4
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 Brief1 File3 AnotherFile Fil3


Topic: Embedded Computers




Green Eggs and Ham
Do you like green eggs and ham?
I do not like them, Sam I am
I do not like green eggs and ham
Would you like like them here or there?
I would not like them here or there
I would not like them anywhere
I do so like green eggs and ham
Thank you Thank you
Sam I am
The Lorax
I am the Lorax
I speak for the trees
for the trees have no tongues
I meant no harm
I most truly did not
But I had to grow bigger
So bigger I got
The Grinch hated Christmas
The whole Christmas season
Now please don't ask why
No one quite knows the reason
Maybe Christmas perhaps
means a little bit more
-Dr Seuss


You will need
1/2 cup salted butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup chocolate chips
3/4 cup flour
1/4 cocoa powder
1/2 tsp salt
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a metal 9x9 pan with parchment paper
Pour butter into a large mixing bowl. Whisk in sugar by hand until smooth
Add in eggs and vanilla extract
Whisk in melted chocolate until combined and smooth
Use a spatula to stir in flour, cocoa powder, and salt until just combined.
Stir in chocolate.
Pour into prepared pan and smooth out
Bake in oven for 30 minutes. Let cool in pan 30 minutes before slicing.
Calories: 386
Carbs: 52g
Protein 4g
Fat 18g
Sodium 254mg
Sugar 41g


We got this new kitten that we found on the street
He was wondering around the neighborhood with no collar
We took him to the vet and he had no microchip
We put out an alert for a missing cat online in the county website
no one responded
We figured that someone left him behind when they moved
out of the neighborhood
The vet said he was only 4 months old
He looked about 2 because of how big he was
We waited for someone to claim him but no one came forward
He's become a playful character at home
He likes messing with my older cat who is 13
but the old cat does not have the energy to match the kitten's.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

B Olafson:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory. UniCode Chars: 24
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 10
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: Search Engine




Hello, this is an example of what will be in File1.
I am excited to continue this project as it will help
me with my daily tasks at work. I use PuTTy
all the time to import data from Excel to an environment
that is called POC. Basically to test to see if the data
works and everything runs smoothly before we push
it into the PROD environment.
I hope this project will help me get a better understanding
of PuTTy. I want to learn how to navigate it better and
get a better idea of all the features it contains.
This is very fun and very cool. I enjoy File1.
I like basketball and I like to play at the gym all the time.
I'm going to be done soon,' he said. 'I could probably play a legit
five more years, but I'll probably max out at three more after this
year—maybe three more. But if I'm not here, that will weigh heavily
on what I will do. I possibly have another year here—if we win.
That's it. I know that. I'm fine with it.'


Treat Fultz's mysterious shoulder-wrist-shooting issues as meaningful
omens, and he's more albatross than promising prospect or project.
His rookie-scale deal doesn't provide him any cover. He is earning
8.3 million this year, will get 9.7 million next season and has
a 12.3 million team option for 2020-21. His average salary over
that span (10.1 million) easily outstrips the value of the
non-taxpayer's mid-level exception.
On the flip side, Fultz is a 20-year-old No. 1 pick with fewer than
35 games on his resume! Killing the Philadelphia 76ers for trading
the third selection in 2017 and this year's Sacramento Kings pick
(top-one protected) is easy, but he was the consensus transcendent
talent of his rookie class.
In some ways, Fultz's lack of availability sells. He is more of an unknown
than a certified bust. There is mystique in that uncertainty.
The Sixers have to figure out whether his market tilts toward
hopeless or intriguing, or if it lands somewhere in between.


It looks like the Pusha T and Drake beef is far from ending. The Virginia
rapper recently declared himself as the winner of his feud with
the OVO mogul. King Push is also confident that Drake would not
be able to dig up any dirt on him. Let me tell y’all like this,
I don’t got no skeletons, Push told The Breakfast Club.
It is what it is.`
Now, it seems the G.O.O.D. Music president has more to say about the
situation. On Thursday evening, Pusha T accused Drake of offering
100,000 USD for embarrassing info on him. Since he didn’t back it up
with any verifiable proof, it’s not clear how truthful the statement
actually is. Read Pusha’s claim via Twitter below.
Fans are currently waiting on Drake’s response to Story of Adidon.
Drizzy is reportedly ready to deal with the situation, according
to an incredibly good source. Drake has reportedly supported the
mother of his secret child for months financially and plans to
take a DNA test to prove that the child is actually his.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

J RodriguezFerrel:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 18
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: The history of drones

* 2nd line is not empty!




The History of drones
The earliest drone appeared in 1839, when austrain soldiers attacked
the city of venice with unmanned balloons filled with explosives.
Some of these Austrian balloons were successful, but a number of them blew
back and bombed the Austrian's own lines.
However, after several failed prototype launches, the british military
chose to scrap the project, believing that unmanned aerial vehicles had
limited military potential. A year later an American alternative was
created called the Hewitt-Sperry Automatic Airplane.
The modern history of commercial drones began in early 2006 government
agencies started utilizing it disaster relief, border surveillance
and wildfire fighting, while corporations began using drones to inspect
pipelines and spray pesticides on farms.


The history of Airplanes
The history of aviation extends for more than 2000 years,
from the earliest forms of aviation such as kites and attempts
at tower jumping to supersonic and hypersonic flight
by powered heavier than air jets. Kite Flying.
The wright brothers invented and flew the first airplane in 1903,
recognized as "the first sustained and controlled heavier than air powered
They built on the works of george cayley dating from 1799,
when he set forth the concept of the modern airplane.


Airbus A380
The Airbus A380 is a double deck wide body four engine jet airliner
manufactured by Airbus. It is the world's largest passenger airliner, and the
airports which it operates have upgraded facilities to accomodate it.
The A380 made its first commercial flight on October 25 of 2007 with
Singapore Airlines.
As of 2016 the list price for an A380 is $432.6 million dollars but there
are negotiated discounts for big corporations and airlines. Thats just the
main cost but what builds up is the operational costs, according to AirInsight
its estimated that it costs $26,000 an hour to operate due to its high end

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

S Sathyana:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 4
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: Smartphones




Odell Beckham Jr. will  be paid like he's the greatest player in
Giants history. Will he start behving like it?
That's the question now, and this has little to do with happens
after the ball is snapped and Eli Manning drops back to pass. Beckham's
excellence as receiver, unprecedented fot this franchise and the NFL, is
why the Giants were willing to set all sort of records with this contract.
The Giants not only gave Beckham more guarateed money($65 million)
than any player at his position had ever received, they topped the previous
high that Tampa's Mike Evans received by a full $10 million.


What is a mouse?
The mouse,sometimes called a pointer, is a hand-operated
input device used to manipulate objects on a computer screen.
Whether the mouse uses a laser or ball, or is wired or wirelss,
a movement detected from the mouse sends instructions to the
computer to move the cursor on the screen in order to interact
with files, windows, and other sofware elements. Even though
the mouse is a peripheral device that sits outside the main
computer housing, it's and essential piece of computer
hardware in most least non-touch ones...XD


There once was
A man from Peru.
Who dreames he
Was eating his shoe.
He woke up at night
with a terrible fright.
To find out his dream
Had come true!

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

H Tennant:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 4
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: My Brief topis is Gaming Systems, primarily PC (Steam).




Hello there world,
I'm writing this to you from my house.
My house in in the woods,
surrounded by trees and animals.
I am not sure if you can find me.
But I can always find you.
There is a cat that lives with me,
and he is very soft.
My dog lives with us as well,
he is a German Shephard.
Our other dogs are a Belgian Malimois, a Toy Poodle, and a Shihtzu.
We also have a Koi Pond full of fish and plants.
My sister has two Guinea Pigs, one named Thor and one named Loki.


I really like sports and video games, especially competitive online games.
There is nothing more fun than beating random people online.
I like games like Overwatch, Street Fighter, and DBFZ.
I also love watching and playing football and baseball.


I am really stressed with this class,
It makes me really excited for winter break.
I can't wait to be off and not wake up for class every day.
But at least this class is almost over.
One more project and a final exam, and I'll be done with this for a while.
Hopefully the final isn't too difficult as the first two quizzes were kind
of hard
Well, I'm off for now.
See you around!

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

T Tran:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 4
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: Smart Watch Comparisons




Yesterday was November 27.
It was nice and sunny.
I really enjoyed the sprinkle of nice weather.
Today is November 28.
It is extremely cold today.
Bone cold!
I am not a fan of the cold.
Tomororw is going to also be cold.
Sadly, I think the warm weather has officailly left.
I cannot wait for nice weather again.


The end of the semester is here.
I am very scared and stressed.
I have so much work to do!
I am literally shaking as I am typing this from stress.
This project might tip me over.
I shall push through till end of the semester.
I am very scared and stressed.
I have so much work to do!
The workload is piling on.
I feel like I find out about more and more everyday.
I hope I pull through


The LAN project was hard to do without a mouse.
I recently got a mouse.
It is life changing.
Getting a PC is one of the best things I've done.
I cannot imagine doing things on my Mac.
I still like my Mac more for fun usage.
This class would be difficult without a PC and mouse.
I'm already struggling enough.
Good thing I have the right technology.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

D Yuan:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 4
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: Smartphones




I will not play at tug o' war.
I'd rather play at hug o' war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins


I know what my heart is like
Since your love died:
It is like a hollow ledge
Holding a little pool
Left there by the tide,
A little tepid pool,
Drying inward from the edge.


I made myself a snowball
As perfect as could be.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet
And let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas
And a pillow for its head.
Then last night it ran away,
But first it wet the bed.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

N Zakhary:

Home, Specs, &c

Server-side editors: vi
File1, File2, & File3 in home directory.
Has ‘Outlines’ directory, permissions: 700
Sessions: 3
SFTP: 0 Flagged: 0
In Home Dir: File1 File2 File3


Topic: Social Media




Fifty seemed to Benjamin a glorious age.
He longed passionately to be fifty.
"I've always said," went on Hildegrade,
"that i'd rather marry a man of fifty an be
taken care of than many a man of thirty and take
care of hime."
For Benjamin the rest of the evening was bathed in
a honey-coloured mist. Hildegarde gave him two more
dances, and they discovered that marvellously in
accord on all the questions of the day. She was to go
driving with him on the following Sunday, and then
they would discuss all these questions further.


One September day in 1910--a few years after Roger
Button&Co.;, Wholesale Hardware, had been handed over
to young Roscoe Button--a man, apparently about twenty
years old, entered himself as a freshman at Harvard
University in Cambridge. He did not make the mistake
of announcing that he would never see fifty again, nor
did he mention the fact that his son had been graduated
from the same institution ten years before.
He was admitted, and almost immediately attained a
prominent position in the class, partly because he seemed
a little older than the other freshmen, whose average age
was about eighteen.
But his success was largely due to the fact that in the
football game with Yale he played to brilliantly, with so
much dash and with such a cold, remorseless anger that he
scored seven touchdowns and fourteen field goals for Harvard,
and caused on entire eleven of Yale men to be carried singly
from the field, unconscious. He was the most celebrated man
in college.


Of the life of Benjamin Button between his twelfth
and twenty-first year I intend to say little. Suffice
to record that they were years of normal ungrowth.
When Benjamin was eighteen he was erect as a man of
fifty; he had more hair and it was of a dark gray; his
step was firm, his voice had lost its cracked quaver and
descended to a healthy baritone. So his father sent him
up to Conneticut to take examinations for entrance to Yale
College. Benjamin passed his examination and became a member
of the freshman class.
On the third day following his matriculation he received
notification from Mr. Hart, the college registrar, to call
at his office and arrange his schedule. Benjamin, glancing
in the mirror, decided that his hair needed a new application
of its brown dye, but an anxious inspection of his bureau drawer
disclosed that the dye bottle was not there. Then he remembered--
he had emptied it the day before and thrown it away.
He was in a dilemma. He was due at the registrar's in five
minutes. There seemed to be no help for it--he must go as he
was. He did.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

Permissions and other Specs

Part 1 — Learn vi and Post your Topic

Before making Outlines and web directories, find a vim tutorial you like and get comfortable
using it.

Then, use vi to edit files in your home directory named File1, File2, and File3, each with at least
three well-formatted paragraphs from a text, novel, article or your own poetry, prose, or blog.
Make each line of text a max of 75 characters wide.
Set the permissions for each of these files to 600, readable by only yourself
and root.

Make a directory named Outlines in your home directory and
edit the topic for your brief on the 1st line of a file named Brief1 in the Outlines directory.
Nothing else is required in the file for Part 1 but line 2 should be left empty if there is.
The file should be ‘plain text’, with no HTML.

Set the permissions on the Outlines directory to 700 and the file Brief1 to 600.
Check the progress page to make sure Outlines and Brief1 are in the right place with the right permissions.
The progress page is updated one second past every minute. Enter ‘date’ at the command line
to check the time.

Part 2 — Posting Your Outline and References

Part 2 of the project is to find references for your brief,
organize them, make an outline for the brief, and use vi to key the outline and references into the file Brief1.

Brief1 should be a plain-text file, should not have any html, will only be read
by you and the instructor. It should be organized by indenting to show the ‘levels of the outline’.

When you’ve completed the research, edit the file Brief1 and add
a nicely indented outline for your tech market brief, starting in line 3, leaving the 2nd line empty.
Single-space between each entry in the outline, leaving no ‘blank line’ between the lines of your outline.
Use spaces to make indentations to structure the outline.
After the single-spaced outline, double-space to leave an empty line and list your references.
If you have done this properly, your feedback below will show your topic,
the first entry in your outline, and the first reference in your list.

Part 3 — Making the 3-page website:

Please find and comply with all the specs posted on the class’ page and mentioned in class for the HOL/Tech Brief project.
Make a valid skeleton of your website first, then pitch your brief in standards-compliant html and css.

Please complete these little tasks at the linux command line without desktop editors!
Steps, without FileZilla or WinSCP, at the command line:

  • Make a directory named ‘web’, all lower case, with no apostrophes, in your home directory
    if you haven’t already done it.
    Set it’s permissions to rwx—–x so you have full access to it and httpd can include it in a path.
  • Use vi to create and edit index.html in your web directory. Verify that it shows up
    as index.html in your progress report below.
  • Use vi to edit a file named Brief1.html in your web directory.
    Your Brief1.html will hold the web version of your technical market brief.
  • Set the permissions of any web pages, css, graphics,
    or other files in the web directory to 604 rw—-r–.
    If there are subdirectories, set them to rwx—r-x.


Get any questions answered in class, not in email.
Snapshots of this page, the contents of your home directory, and your history at the command line will be
taken after the deadline and used to score the timeliness and quality of each component at the time it was due.

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